Guds Lam
In GUDS LAM, locals are on stage as themselves when Egnsteatret recreates the twelve panels of the world-renowned Ghent Altarpiece in St. Bavo Cathedral, Belgium. This huge work of art portrays archetypes of Western culture in 1432. But who are the Adam and Eve of our time, the Virgin Mary, the Crusaders and the Lamb of the Sacrifice? What version do they have of the themes in this painting about faith, power, love, death and salvation? On stage, a panorama of our present world arises, in a testimony to the importance of art and spirituality in a human’s life.
NOTE: The show features nude scenes, a video of slaughtering a lamb and footage from a birth.
The regional tv-station TV2 East came by the rehearsals 19 January
The printed programme (ind Danish) can be downloaded here
The performance is supported by the municipality of Vordingborg
- Note
- The show features nude scenes, a video of slaughtering a lamb and footage from a birth.
ReviewsNo one should be fooled for this authentically scented and strangely beautiful performance, which should be set up on other country stages as soon as possible!It is an amazing spectacle that tells a poignant report of the citizens of Vordingborg, but not least of the people of our time.... after 30 years of local involvement as a regional theatre in Vordingborg Municipality, the performance is a beautiful milestoneGuds Lam touched my heart, and with its inclusion of the stories of the locals, is the beautiful tribute to the manifold human life and the city that has housed them and their very special expressions over three decades.
CreditsA big thank you to Milo Rau and NTGent for developing a performance we could recreate in a new form in Vordingborg.
- Performers
- Siri Facchini Haff og Claudio Morales
- Locals on stage
- Karolina Dam, Anna Bove Eiler, Malik Facchini Haff, Frank Hansen, Maren Mille Henckel, Tuk André Henckel, Merle Lauenborg Hyrup, Mynte Lauenborg Hyrup, Ester Betak Lund, Julie Nielsen, Morgan Finke Nygaard, Kathleen C. A. Poblete, Shirin Samir, Ahmad Sarkojak, Fadi Sarkojak, Sofie Therese Margareth Sillemann, Sofia Elisa Sommerstedt-Rasmussen, Jens Ulvedahl, Lulu Rose Koppel Aamand
- Locals in videoprojetions
- Kalle Lund-Nielsen, Bjarne Mortensen, Julie Nielsen, Mohamed Ali Osman, Milo Rau, Anders Roland, Mikael Smed, Flemming Rasmussen – Nybyskov Økologi
- Original concept
- Milo Rau, NTGent
- Director
- Nullo Facchini
- Dramaturgical assistant
- Barbara Rousset
- Production manager
- Karolina Pietrzykowska
- Technique and light design
- Sound
- Peter Koch
- Video technique
- Stijn Pauwels
- Construction of frame
- Nyby Sceneteknik
- Song texts for the children’s choir
- Marc Facchini
- Arrangement children’s choir
- Anders Roland
- Sound design
- Daniela Bretes Maciel Elneff
- Video design
- Christine Hvidt
- Visual design
- Charlotte Grum
- Theatre painter
- Charlotte K. Dethlefsen
- Scenography assistant
- Morten Juhl
- Responsible for children
- Siri Facchini Haff
- Production assistant and responsible for children
- Kai Petra Vriesema
- Assistant the children’s choir on stage
- Emmely Linnebjerg
- Research
- Klaus Geisler, Charlotte Grum, Siri Facchini Haff, Karolina Pietrzykowska, Barbara Rousset
- Video pictures in the altar frame and press photos
- Per Rasmussen
- Videos – except the lamb slaughter
- Per Rasmussen
- Video of the lamb slaughter
- Jesper Truelsen
- Intern
- Emmelie Jønsson
- Graphic design
- Lone Fomsgaard
- Producer
- Maria Westh Hage
- Administration
- Helle Iuel
- PR & press
- Helle Bøgelund
- Production
- Egnsteatret
A big thanks to Vordingborg municipality for supporting us through 30 years.- Forestillingen er blevet til gennem samtaler med og hjælp fra langt flere mennesker, end dem vi møder på scenen.
- Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the creation of Guds Lam in different ways.
- Shamali Abdulmajed, Shadi Baker Ali, Jan Andersen, Sune Hjorth Bach, Alex Blaakman, Marianne Christensen, Sigrid B. Christensen, Johanne Louise Christiansen, Fru Andkjær, Blomster & Brugskunst, Anne-Mette Gravgaard, Lennart Grønkjær-Davidsen, Frederik Vangkilde Hansen, Charlotte Tølbøl Henckel, Claus Hjarnø, Nanna Holm, Krista Kirkeby, Barbara Jadwiga Leszczynska, Jesper Betak Lund, Rikke Betak Lund, Patrick Lund-Nielsen, Niviaq Isinnguaq Łasarz, Kjeld Blæsbjerg Madsen, Mern-Øster Egesborg Sognes Menighedsråd, Guri Mohr, Bente Sieben Mortensen, Mohamed Khalil Mustafa, Nojen Mustafa, Tolin Mustafa, Martin Nygaard, Otto Nygaard, Flemming Rasmussen, Kirsten Rasmussen, Anni Reichel, Sofie Schmidt, Carina Nørgaard Schou, Josephine Sioma, Helena Rosenberg Slot, Steffen Sommerstedt, Nykøbing F. Sygehus – Afsnit for fødende og barsel, Bit Tardini, Nina Carlinfanti Zahle Evi, Solvej Koppel Aamand, Ragna Aamand og alle andre der på forunderlig vis har bakket op, bidraget til og støttet skabelsen af Guds Lam.
- Vordingborg municipality